Joanna Goldberg's profile

Fertility Journey Consumer Site for Merck Co.  
Creative direction, writing, UX
CHALLENGE was a pharma-sponsored, unbranded consumer site for couples trying to get pregnant. Despite the generous volume of content on the site, analytics detected poor traffic and the site was sorely ranked on the third page of a Google search for the keyword "fertility". Furthermore, research indicated that couples seek fertility-related information even before they experience problems conceiving. To capture the interest of such people starting out on their journey to parenthood, required substantial content creation and a site architecture rehaul. 

Based on independent research, I developed  SEO-friendly content for the entire first three sections of the new Thinking About Getting Pregnant, Ready to Get Pregnant and Trying for a While. Collaborating closely with the design and development teams, I took the lead on the information architecture for the entire site, and repurposed existing content to improve usability, engagement and SEO. 

In order to improve user engagement, I conceptualized and created the content for the interactive tool, Where are you today?, which helped couples find information specific to their circumstances and place along the journey to parenthood. I also developed the concept, structure and content for the interactive tool, Build my takeaway, which builds customized PDFs for couples wishing to share information with their healthcare professionals, family, friends or each other. Working with a production company, I also edited video testimonials and incorporated them into the site's architecture. 
Fertility Journey Consumer Site for Merck Co.

Fertility Journey Consumer Site for Merck Co.

Creative direction and content creation for, an unbranded consumer website for couples hoping to get pregnant.
